Bear Obsession

Construction worker, Mechanic, Plummer, Business man…..

What do all those professions have in common? In the media, those professions are usually portrayed by a Bear-ish kind of guy who is hyper masculine, has tons of facial hair, is beefy and most definitely very sexy.

I find myself being draw to more of a husky,beefier man than the “Adonis” washboard abs, Gay figure seen in the Gay culture. There is something captivating about a bigger man who, in contrast to my slim body, towers over me. My enthusiasm whenever I see a man that fits the Bear category, my hormones go crazy.

Since I sent a request to the universe about revisiting  the dating life, I have found that I have become more attracted to bigger, buffer, bear-ish men. Something about the way a big guy looks is captivating. Maybe the universe is setting me up to be prepared for a bear-ish guy to enter my life. I would gladly accept the invitation of dating a big man.

I fantasize a whole lot, and this fantasy would be the best thing to manifest. You hear that Universe?




Bear Obsession

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